李 浩,赵晨希,关 冰.基于超时重传和多重校验的UDP可靠通信设计[J].测控技术,2022,41(2):105-110
UDP Reliable Communication Based on Timeout Retransmission and Multiple Verifications
中文关键词:  超时重传  多重校验  UDP  可靠通信  实时操作系统
英文关键词:timeout retransmission  multiple verification  UDP  reliable communication  real-time operating system
李 浩 中国运载火箭技术研究院 
赵晨希 中国运载火箭技术研究院 
关 冰 北京时代民芯科技有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 623
全文下载次数: 470
      UDP is an Ethernet transport layer protocol with low overhead and high efficiency.Due to its inherent non-connection oriented characteristics,it will cause frame loss,frame error and frame disorder in engineering applications.In order to solve the unreliable problem of UDP communication,on the premise of ensuring its advantages of low overhead and high efficiency,an Ethernet structure based on four degree redundancy topology is designed,an Ethernet communication protocol based on multiple verification is realized,and two UDP reliable communication methods based on timeout retransmission are proposed.Through modeling and analysis,compared with the traditional single channel UDP communication,the reliability of this scheme is improved from 0.9 to 0.9999.The test shows that the embedded software based on this scheme can complete UDP data communication in real time and reliably in case of one-time,second-degree and third-degree failures of communication link,which provides a new high reliable engineering application method for UDP communication.
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