Target Ship Exterior Ballistic Data Denoising Method Based on Empinical Mode Decomposition and Wavelet Transformation
中文关键词:  小波变换  经验模态分解  本征模函数  去噪
英文关键词:wavelet transform  empirical mode decomposition  intrinsic mode function  denoise
周慧 92941部队 96分队 
摘要点击次数: 1367
全文下载次数: 391
      The complexity of errors of target ship exterior ballistic is characterized by its non stationary signals, which makes it fairly difficult to be described accurately by mathematical models.In order to solve this problem,a method based on empinical mode decomposition(EMD) and wavelet transformation is proposed.Firstly,EMD is applied to the data to get the intrinsic mode functions(IMFs) of different frequencies, then the denoised IMFs is added to the rest together with the trend to reconstruct the measuring data of the target ship.The experimental results show that this method can enormously improve the performance of traditional wavelet threshold method 〖JP2〗and remain the useful information underlying the high frequency data,thus the effectiveness of this method in dealing with the non stationary and multi frequency data of target ship exterior ballistic is effective.
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