Multistage Speed Control of Inverter Based on LabVIEW
中文关键词:  多段速控制  LabVIEW  变频器  Modbus串行协议
英文关键词:multi-speed control  LabVIEW  inverter  modbus serial protocol
冯庆胜 大连交通大学 电气信息学院 
沈培富 大连交通大学 电气信息学院 
戴淑军 大连天运电气有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 984
全文下载次数: 554
      In industrial applications,the inverter runs at different speeds at different times to realize the multistage speed control of the AC motor.LabVIEW was used to generate a specific section of the multistage speed control curve.The communication between inverter and upper machine was implemented through Modbus serial communication protocol,and the operation of the inverter was controlled according to the multistage speed control curve that was set in the upper machine.The parameter settings and multisegment speed control procedures between the inverter and the upper machine LabVIEW were analyzed in detail.The no-load test experiment of the control method and the test curve indicate that the control method can not only flexibly control the inverter according to different requirements,to realize the multistage speed operation of different segments,but also the output test curve can be perfectly matched with the set control curve. The control method overcomes the limitation of the number of inverter segments in multisegment speed control.
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