Roller Cutting Trajectory Planning Based on Improved Ant Colony Algorithm
中文关键词:  采煤机滚筒  轨迹规划  蚁群算法  栅格法
英文关键词:shearer drum  trajectory planning  ant colony algorithm  grid method
安葳鹏 河南理工大学 计算机科学与技术学院 
徐玉平 河南理工大学 计算机科学与技术学院 
摘要点击次数: 1146
全文下载次数: 587
      In order to solve the problem that the shearer drum is easy to cut to the rock,which causes the damage to the coal mining machine parts and increases the gangue content in the coal,a new cutting path planning method based on improved ant colony algorithm is proposed.By analyzing the mathematical relationship model between the Platts coefficient and the current,the traction speed and other parameters,the working face information was described according to its parameters,and the grid working model was constructed by using the grid modeling method.The pheromone update mechanism of ant colony algorithm was improved,the improved algorithm was used to plan the drum cutting trajectory in the virtual grid working surface,and the cubic B-spline was used to fit the discrete points of the optimal or sub-optimal trajectory,so as to obtain a smooth roller cutting track.The simulation results show that under the complicated geological conditions,the improved algorithm can plan the cutting trajectory well,effectively avoid the drum of any starting point from cutting into the rock,and the cubic B-spline can fit curve well.The fitted cutting trajectory is more smooth,which is conducive to guide the shearer drum automatic cutting.
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