孙 岩,雷 超,董 恒,史新虎,屈渊博.历史数据下优化GRU模型的测控设备相位预测[J].测控技术,2023,42(1):16-20
Improved GRU Model for Phase Prediction of Measurement and Control Equipment Based on Historical Data
中文关键词:  环境受限  历史记录  相位预测  鲸鱼算法  GRU
英文关键词:environmental constraints  historical records  phase prediction  whale algorithm  GRU
孙 岩 中国人民解放军63726部队 
雷 超 中国人民解放军63726部队 
董 恒 中国人民解放军63726部队 
史新虎 中国人民解放军63726部队 
屈渊博 中国人民解放军63726部队 
摘要点击次数: 792
全文下载次数: 514
      Target tracking measurement of aerospace measurement and control equipment is dependent on phase,and it is difficult to meet the requirements of parameter accuracy and equipment stability tracking by relying on manual experience when there is no near and far field calibration environment or the surrounding environment of equipment field is limited.The phase prediction method relying on the recorded historical data is explored.After preprocessing such as data screening,cleaning and standardization,the swarm intelligence whale algorithm is used to adaptively optimize the number of neural elements and the step size of the long and short time series model by taking the root mean square error of the predicted value and the real value as the fitness function to obtain the optimized value of the super parameter.The random division of the historical data is trained and verified to achieve the final phase prediction model.The historical data and current phase calibration conditions of a certain type of equipment are verified for many times.At the same time,the recurrent neural network (RNN) and gated recurrent unit (GRU) are compared,the difference between the predicted value of the model and the true value is small,and the accuracy of the algorithm is better than the traditional statistical calculation,meeting the tracking,daily comparison and emergency auxiliary needs of the measurement and control equipment.
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