李鹏宇,崔家山,孙 然.InSAR双星编队测绘卫星任务规划方法研究[J].测控技术,2023,42(7):73-79
Research on Survey Mission Planning Method of InSAR Dual Satellite Formation
中文关键词:  干涉合成孔径雷达  任务规划  基于优先级的多目标遗传算法  载荷约束
英文关键词:InSAR  mission planning  priority based multi-objective genetic algorithm  loading constraints
李鹏宇 上海电子信息职业技术学院 中德工程学院 
崔家山 西安电子科技大学 空间科学与技术学院 
孙 然 上海理工大学 光电信息与计算机工程学院 
摘要点击次数: 575
全文下载次数: 306
      针对双星编队干涉合成孔径雷达(Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar,InSAR)测绘任务的特点,考虑双星编队卫星平台的约束条件,采用多目标优化和基于优先级的遗传优化算法,实现了双星编队任务规划的各个关键步骤的设计,并对测绘任务进行了系统仿真,求取了测绘任务规划结果,最终获得了任务规划的最优解。经过与贪婪优化算法仿真结果对比分析,采用的基于优先级的遗传优化任务调度算法在双星编队卫星测绘任务优化问题求解方法方面具备明显的优势,卫星系统资源分配效能达到最优,对卫星资源的合理分配起到了关键作用。
      According to the characteristics of the dual satellite formation interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) mapping task,considering the constraints of the dual satellite formation platform,multi-objective optimization and priority based genetic optimization algorithm are adopted to design each key step of the dual satellite formation task planning,and the mapping task is systematically simulated to obtain the mapping task planning results,and finally the optimal solution of the task planning is obtained.Through the comparison and analysis with the simulation results of greedy optimization algorithm,the priority based genetic optimization task scheduling algorithm has obvious advantages in solving the optimization problem of double satellite formation satellite surveying and mapping tasks.The efficiency of satellite system resource allocation is optimal,which plays a key role in the reasonable allocation of satellite resources.
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